Starting something New

2 min readJan 28, 2022

The majority of the population is terrified of starting something new.

The majority of the population is discouraged after the first attempt to start something new.

The majority of the population spends years wishing to start something new.

Do you think you are a part of the majority?

It’s cool if you say yes, this is a safe place, plus I use to hate doing something new. It sucked not being great at something first try.

I did realize why I hated doing something new though.

Two reasons why

  1. My excitement about the new thing exceeded the work it required
  2. I wasn’t honest with myself and thought I could master it in the day.

Maybe I could master things in a day, but my excitement about the work would have to surpass the excitement of my ego.

What I do now before starting anything new is:

I understand how much work is required just to be good at it. If the amount of work is worth the outcome I move on to the next step.

Next step is being honest with myself and saying “Auy you are going to suck at this every day until you don’t. You are going to make mistakes every day until you don’t. Give it time until every day you are great”

Those are my exact words by the way.

So if you are a part of the majority, but want to break free from the crowd, maybe take this approach to new things.

Donaven’s Visuals
Donaven’s Visuals

Real quick, if you have been enjoyed reading or this has helped in any way, please feel free to like, comment, or forward to a friend. The goal is to interact with the WORLD and change our perspective.

